Valentine’s Day for Equestrians and Horse Lovers

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Tis the season to be … in love (whether that’s with your horse, another person, or both). Valentine’s Day is coming soon. For those that have significant others, it can be tricky to buy for us horse girls or women. If you are one of those horsey women that does not have a significant other, then as Donna and Tom from Parks and Rec would say, “treat yo self!” There have been many Valentine’s Days that I spent at the barn alone with my horse, and I was totally okay with that.  


 Romantic Gifts for Horse Lovers

These gifts are great for a romantic night with your horse person. What smells better to a horse person than flowers? Leather! These gifts do not require sizes making it easy to buy for your love. Mix and match these affordable gifts and enjoy a wonderful thoughtful evening.

RomanticGifts.jpg - Wine Glasses - Wine Stopper - Leather Scented Candle - Picture Frame - Sees Chocolates

Practical Gifts for Horse Women

If romance is not a big thing for you or your equestrian, these gifts may be better suited. They are practical for everyday use and you can also get most of them in pink, red, or some type of Valentine’s theme. This is another set of gifts that doesn’t require you to know sizes. Yes, even the belt is adjustable to fit most sizes! They are pretty affordable as well. 

PracticalGifts.jpg - Hot Pink Boot Socks -  C4 Valentine’s Day Belt - Pink Yeti Travel Mug - Leather Balm

 Gifts for Trendy Equestrians

I can’t say that these gifts land in the affordable category, but they sure are pretty! Hunter’s boots work great at the stable, but they are also fashionable enough to wear out to dinner (as long as they don’t have poop on them). These gifts also require you to know sizes, but they would be easy enough to figure out by yourself if you get creative.  

TrendyGifts.jpg - Hunter’s Boots - One K Helmet with Bling - Roeckl Gloves

 Horse Lovers That Pamper Their Horses

 If you or your equestrian spends longer grooming their horse then they do riding, these are perfect gifts for them. You really can’t beat their names either: Stud Muffins and the StripHair.

HorseGifts.jpg - Stud Muffin Horse Treats - StripHair Groomer - Vetrolin Shine - Skin and Coat Moisturizer

Valentines for the Little Horse Lovers 

If you are looking for a little something to give your little horse lover, these are perfect gifts. They are best suited for those in elementary or early middle school ages.  

HorseyKids.jpg - Valentine’s for School - Box of Horse Stamps - Horsey Hair Ties

Pampered Ponies

5 Things Your Horse Doesn’t Need – But You’ll Want!

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“A horse is like a grown woman’s Barbie.” ~ Anonymous. I cannot remember where I heard that from, but isn’t it fitting? So, maybe you never played with Barbies as a kid, but we all know Barbies have to have all the accessories. It is the same with horses. They get dressed up in ridiculous outfits. We make sure that our outfits match the saddle pads and maybe even leg wraps or boots (well, some people do). Here is a list of 5 things that your horse probably doesn’t need, but you will want!


Peppermint Bit Wipes

Raise your hand if you are guilty of having a dirty bit (me too). Raise your hand if you feel even slightly bad about putting a piece of metal in your horse’s mouth (me too). These wipes don’t solve those problems, but they definitely help! They’ll motivate you to keep those bits a little cleaner and maybe motivate your horse to want to take the bit more! Affiliate Link:

Marigold Coat Spray

This spray is supposed to condition and protect your horses coat from sun bleaching. I have purchased this spray many times, but it really isn’t for either of those reasons. This is the best smelling horse spray I have ever used. It is refreshing and has a slight perfume smell that is not too overbearing. If you want the best smelling pony in the barn, this is your spray! Affiliate Link:

Mrs. Pasture’s Horse Cookies

Okay, this is something your horse will actually want. Who doesn’t enjoy pampering your horse with some special treats? I have yet to meet a horse that doesn’t like Mrs. Pasture’s Horse Cookies. Affiliate Link:

Massage Grooming Mitt


This two-in-one massage mitt is great for shedding season and before you ride. There are “magnetic therapy balls” in the mitt. I don’t know about magnetic therapy, but it does provide a good massage for your horse before you ride. These work especially great for horses that have a lot of tension in their necks, back and topline. Affiliate Link:

Rubber Face Curry

Sometimes our regular curries are just too rough for our horse’s face, especially if you have a sensitive horse. These little curries have tiny bristles to help gently pull off gunk from around the ears, eyes, and boney parts of the face. Your horse will thank you! Affiliate Link:

Wear The Gloves ... When Lunging A Horse

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If you haven’t heard it already, here is your public service announcement: ALWAYS WEAR GLOVES WHEN LUNGING A HORSE. If you’ve been around horses long enough, you’ve probably gotten rope burn at least once from a horse yanking a lead rope out of your hand. It hurts. It’s something I taught all of my students when I was giving lessons. I would send people out of the arena if they were not wearing gloves and trying to lunge their horse. It’s also important to wear gloves if you are leading or loading a horse that may yank the lead rope out of your hands as well. Lunge lines are about 4 times the length of a lead rope. You may think you can let go of that lunge line quick enough to avoid a bad rope burn, but it’s often not the case.


The time I Didn’t Wear Gloves . . .

Let me tell you a story about the time that I didn’t wear gloves while lunging a horse. This is how it went: “Hey, will you lunge my horse for a minute. I want to see if he is sound?” asked a student. “Absolutely,” I replied. Lunge, lunge, buck, bolt, and take off across the arena. I knew better. I knew better! That is all that ran through my head in those split seconds that the lunge line tore through my hands while tearing off layers of skin on its way. That is called getting “degloved.” If you Google “degloved” you will find some pretty shocking pictures. I had a very minor case of it, but it was still extremely painful. I couldn’t grab much with that hand for a long time. The injured part healed slowly and remained sensitive for quite a while even after it looked fully healed.


Glove Recommendations

I love Roeckl Riding Gloves: They are lightweight and feel wonderful, however they are pretty expensive. I use them when I ride, but if I am just lunging a horse, I don’t use them. Arena sand on the lunge line can wear the gloves fairly quickly. If expenses are not a problem for you, then go ahead and use these gloves! My second favorite glove to riding in are these: My favorite gloves to use for leading, grooming, loading, lunging… are crochet gloves. The leather on the palms tend to hold up pretty well. I have also used them for riding when I am in between pairs of Roeckl gloves. I have used Ovation’s Crochet Gloves:, Heritage’s Crochet Gloves:, and SSG’s Crochet Gloves: They all seem fairly equal in price and quality.


“Experience is a hard teacher; it gives you the test first and the lesson is learned afterwards.” ~ Unknown

This is one of my favorite quotes. However, it shouldn’t apply to wearing gloves while lunging a horse…learn from my experience. No matter how little time you think you will be lunging a horse, you should always wear gloves. If the horse is super calm and never takes a wrong step … still wear the dang gloves! The skin on your hands will thank you later.